Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Stage 3: Sexual misconduct is quickly becoming politicized.

After reading the article Liz Peek wrote on "Sexual misconduct is quickly becoming politicized. And that's bad news for all of us" I can say it was a good article even though there were some things I did not agree with what she was saying even eventhough I could see where her points were coming from. The article Liz wrote is intended to let the readers know why accusing politicians of sexual misconduct could become politicized. She has some evidence to back up her ideas I don't find it too reliable considering there was only one person she spoke about in the entire article that she could connect to and for that in my opinion she needs more people to reference too if she is trying to convince us the people of "Sexual misconduct is quickly becoming politicized." Her logic to me I really don't understand just because she sees Senator Kristen Gillibrand taking action for the women who have been sexually assaulted/ abused or harassed doesn't not mean she is doing it for the reasons Liz Peek is stating in her article. to make this article better I think she needs to give me more examples of different people that are trying to politicize sexual misconduct. 

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stage 7: CDC gets list of forbidden words: fetus, transgender, diversity

The article titled "CDC gets list of forbidden words: fetus, transgender, diversity..." discusses some of the most recent decision...